Monday, July 19, 2010


You heard it right folks! You can now find me, Julie, Samantha, Elizabeth, and Elsie on YouTube! We finally got Dani's dad to let us get an account. On one condition, we HAD to DISABLE comments on our videos! So, if you have NICE comments for our videos, you have to private message us. The URL is We don't have any doll videos up yet, but we will by tomorrow afternoon! Right now Danielle is uploading the first episode of SOAP, and the trailer is already up on there. So, yeah, visit it!(Julie copy and pasted her post to my blog).

Vivre, Rire, Amour,
Ali Brigitte

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


That girl named Danielle is coming tomorrow! Je ne peux pas attendre (I can't wait)! After all, she is looking for a #25 (aka moi). So, that's about it for that.

8 FOLLOWERS! Oh ma bonté (oh my goodness)! Merci beaucoup (thank you so much)!

Vivre, Rire, Amour,
Alaska Brigitte

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nouvelles tenues (New outfits)!

Bonjour à tous (hello everyone)! I am very excité because the managment of American Girl LLC changed our names to My American Girl. Now we have a new meet outfit, called le Real Me tenue or in English, the Real Me outfit! It's sooooo pretty, it's a lavande shirt with corsaire (capri) pants, lavande underwear, and flats for shoes.

Last night they déménagé (moved) all of the new tenues (outfits) into the American Girl Place.
Ce matin (this morning), before les employés (the employees) arrived, I left my box to explore. I searched around in the nouvelles tenues (new outfits), to find an outfit called The True Style outfit. I put it on, and I looked magnifique! That outfit was totally made for me! Malheureusement (unfortunately), I probably will be purchased without my magnifigue tenue.
:( I can only espoir (hope) that whoever purchases moi may also purchase the True Style outfit.

Vivre, Rire, Amour,
Ali Brigitte

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lanières de poulet! (Chicken Strips!)

Last night after Park Meadows closed, all of us dolls snuck out. We were starving because we had nothing to eat in the past to days but crème glacée (ice cream). Chloe and I crept out of an open window in the American Girl Place, and went into the centre commercial (mall). We turned on les lumière (the lights) and started up
les escaliers mécaniques (the escalators), for they led up to l'aire de restauration (the food court). We went into Chick-Fil-A, and found some leftover food in a mini réfrigérateur. We had chicken strips, and oh boy did they taste délicieux! Than, we glissée (crept) back downstairs, turning off les lumière and les escaliers mécaniques as we went. Then, we climbed back into our boxes, put on the rubber bands that go on our feet and necks, and went to sleep.

Vivre, Rire, Amour,
Ali Brigitte

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Desole (sorry) for the random title, but there has been a rumor going around from some people that a girl named Danielle is coming on the 15th to find a JLY/My American Girl #25! J'espere qu'elle me choisit (I hope she picks me)!

I think I'll quit translating my French sentences into English, so if you don't speak Frech and want to translate what I'm saying, go to for a translation!

Ali Brigitte

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Aloha peeps! I've gotten 6 followers! Please follow my followers blogs! Including this one: I found the title cool. If you want me to feature you blog URL on my blog, just ask! P.S. MUST be DOLL-RELATED blog. I'm not going to feature a blog full of GARBAGE!

Sorry about sounding harsh, but I'm not going to feature a disgusting blog.

Today has been quite interesting. One of the little kids that came in had ice cream, and wasn't eating it. She laid it down, and I got to it before the other dolls. Yum. Sweet, creamy, ICE CREAM.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Today in a life of me....

Bonjour! A little French for you there, after all, I am French-Native American. When I was in Canada, the two mainly spoken languages were English and French, so expect hearing some French from me :).

I got 2 followers, Chrissa Maxwell, and Maddi! Thanks for following!

This morning before the workers and visitors came in, I snuck out of my box. I ran into one girl who is one of the dolls humans call "#23". She had blue eyes, light brown hair, and freckles. I told her my name was Alaska, and she said her name was Chloe. We talked about random stuff, including where we had come from and other things like that. Turns out that she lived in the States until she was 6, then she moved to France. We both speak French!

Au revoir,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I know the blog pretty basic...

Heyy! It's your favorite 14 year old, Alaska Brigitte Corbalis! Or Ali for short. Anyway, I finally was able to get on a computer here in Lone Tree. I went behing the doll salon, and crept into the backroom. There, I found a computer with internet access. So, here I am. I'm what humans would call a "Just Like You #25", though there's a rumor going around amongst the dolls that they're changing our name to "My American Girl", and giving us a new outfit! Ahhh! Oh well, whateves. Let me tell you a little bit about my self.

My name is Alaska Brigitte Corbalis, or Ali. I have brown-black hair, dark brown eyes, and light skin. My aspiration is to be a photographer, and there's nothing I want more. I was born in Alaska (the state), and I moved to Canada when I was 7, til I was 13. Then, I got moved to Winsconscin. I spent 1 year in a warehouse with lots of other dolls. Yesterday, I heard that I was to be boarding a plane bound for Lone Tree, Colorado. I was soooooo excited! In Lone Tree, the is an adoption center, known as an American Girl Place to humans, and I was one of the "#25"s to be chosen to go! So, I got stocked on the shelves this morning at 6:00am, and here I am now! I can't wait to get picked by a loving girl, though I hope she's a tween or teenager. I don't want to move in with a girl under the age of 8.

A 14 year old who finally found a computer,